1:36 PM

go hurl

posted under , , by Bunny | Edit This
my messy bookmarks still drives me crazy. i don't know how exactly should i organize them, but i can't help myself from bookmarking, because i'm constantly searching for new interesting stuff. it's my disease. you see, i never subscribe to feeds, though i don't use del.icio.us, yet, >:3 because i only use my own machine for surfing online.

another things is i've gather so much materials and books that 3 months probably won't be enough to digest them all. still figuring out how i'm going to condense and document them so i could get my hd rid of them and not have to spend forever reading them.

speaking of my hd, just when i finally gotten rid of my movie files and man pr0n, i've started getting hooked on kiddie games. i just downloaded a few for my younger siblings, but then it kind of gotten out of hand and now my hd is filled to the brim. *pulls out hair from frustrations* just when my obssession with animu and mangoes started to fade... i'm so totally immersing my head in finance books. i've got to fix my brain before my mmorpg addiction resurfaces and i start dreaming of pvp again both awake and asleep. *hurls self against a wall to snap up*

other than that, instead of catering to a specific demographic. i'll just post random contents of my hd and topics i find interesting, which is alot. but then, i'm kinda scared of the interpolz to track me down jail me for 30 months for sharing w a r e z. even if its practically the same thing from a friend lending a notebook for you to replicate before an exam. makes me rage so hard.


i've decided right now. still going to do it. tralalala~


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