1:07 AM

a glimpse of the past

posted under , by Bunny | Edit This
a few moments ago, i started reading my previous blog entries from other blogs dating back during my high school days. i was amazed how well i expressed my thoughts in written form back then. and then it hit me. i'm deteriorating. i seriously need to start learning useless stuff again.
on a side note, my first day of school starts tomorrow. And, i have nowhere to live, due to some complications made by some bad people i know. so, there.
Remember not to step on me while i'm sleeping next to the atm where i withdraw my allowance.

i miss going to my geeky conventions. i always miss these events. they always seem to happen during exam seasons. then again, every other week is exam season in my school, and there's no chance of that ever changing. So, my new school year resolution is to, "study hard, goof off harder~!". nyar :3


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